AGM Minutes - 2001

Monday 26 November 2001, 1.30pm
The Bank Room. Sebel Hotel. 394 Collins Street. Melbourne 3000

Chair: Tony Staley
Co-Chair: Greg Watson
Secretary: Jo Lim
Returning Officer:     Chris Disspain

Greg Crew, David Keegel, Michael Malone, Iain Morrison, David Thompson

  1. Introduction and Welcome by the Chair

    Motion (moved Tony Staley, seconded KD):
    The Notice of AGM is to be taken as read

    Quorum (7 members) present. Meeting declared open

  2. AGM 2000 Minutes

    Motion (moved TS, seconded LW):
    Approve the minutes of the AGM 2000

  3. Report from the Chair on auDA Activities and Progress.
    Report delivered by the CEO. Summary of key activities during 2001:
    auDA is now the .au delegate, and all 2LD delegates except Robert Elz have agreed to transfer their delegations to auDA

    Name and Competition Panels and Dispute Resolution Working Group completed work in June and auDA is in the process of implementing their recommendations – new domain name policy, registry RFT, registrar EOI, auDRP, generic names auction

    auDA has 2 full-time staff and has relocated to Carlton. The auDA web site has been redesigned

    AUNIC is being hosted by Optus following the termination of the NetRegistry contract because of security breaches

    A significant amount of auDA’s time and resources goes to handling increasing numbers of consumer queries and complaints, especially about resellers and service levels

    auDA participated in ICANN, ccTLD and APTLD activities

    New and ongoing activities for 2002:
    auDA expects to announce the outcome of the registry tender and commence the test-bed within the next month

    New domain name policy and auDRP will be introduced once the test-bed is completed

    auDA will facilitate development of an industry Code of Practice

    A technical standing committee will be established to monitor technical developments in the DNS

    A new Advisory Panel will be established to consider the creation of new 2LDs

    auDA will conduct a review of its membership arrangements

    auDA will continue its involvement in ICANN, ccTLD and APTLD activities
  4. Report from the Chair of the Financial Committee
    Report delivered by the CEO

    auDA is currently running at or below its budget estimates. Under the new regime, auDA will receive funding from 3 primary sources apart from membership fees:

    auDA Domain Name Fee (per registration/ renewal)
    Registry Licence Fee (annual)
    Registrar Licence Fee (annual)

    Motion (moved Tony Staley, seconded CC):
    Accept the 2000-2001 Accounts

  5. Resignation from Board of Retiring Directors
    Iain Morrison (Rep Assoc), Erica Roberts (General) and David Thompson (Demand) resigned from the Board

    Tony Staley (The Chair) thanked the retiring directors for their personal commitment and contribution to auDA
  6. Election of new Directors to the Board
    Election supervised by John Higgins, Hayes Knight and Craig Ng, Maddock Lonie & Chisholm

    Supply Class (1 position)
    Nominees: Peter Dean, Jacqui Maiolo, Ron Stark
    Elected: Peter Dean

    Demand Class (2 positions)
    Nominees: Kim Davies, Ian Johnston, David Lindsay, Tom Muecke, Joshua Rowe
    Elected: Kim Davies, Joshua Rowe

    Representative Associations Class (1 position)
    Nominees: Ray Herbert, David Keegel, Peter Nissen
    Elected: Peter Nissen

    General (1 position)
    Nominees: David Keegel, Ian Johnston, David Lindsay, Tom Muecke
    Elected: David Keegel
  7. Other Business
    In relation to the process followed by auDA to award contracts, members were advised that all contracts worth $20,000 or more will be subject to multiple quotes or tender
  8. Close of Business
    Meeting closed at 2.30pm