AGM Minutes - 2008

Monday 20 October, 2008. 12pm
Sofitel Hotel. 249 Turbot Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

Chair: Tony Staley
Secretary: Elspeth Ross
Returning Officer:    John Higgins

Bennett Oprysa, Alex Woerndle

  1.  Introduction and Welcome by the Chair

    Motion (moved Tony Staley, seconded CN):
    The Notice of AGM is to be taken as read

    Quorum (7 members) present. Meeting declared open.

    Secretary advised that 19 proxies were received:
    0 Supply Class
    19 Demand Class

  2. AGM 2007 Minutes

    Motion (moved Tony Staley, seconded JR):
    Approve the minutes of the AGM 2007

  3. Report from the Chair on auDA Activities and Progress
    Report delivered by the CEO
  4. 2007- 2008 Audited Accounts

    Motion (moved Tony Staley, seconded CLO):
    Accept the audited 2007-2008 accounts

  5. Resignation from Board of Retiring Directors
    Kim Heitman (Demand), Cheryl Langdon-Orr (Demand), Marty Drill (Supply) and Bennett Oprysa (Supply) resigned from the Board.  Bennett Oprysa did not stand for re-election
  6. Election of new Directors to the Board.
    Election supervised by John Higgins, Hayes Knight and Elspeth Ross, auDA.

    Supply Class (2 positions)
    Nominees: Marty Drill and Dwayne Varey
    Elected:  Marty Drill and Dwayne Varey

    Demand Class (2 positions)
    Nominees: Jeremy Feiglin, Kim Heitman and Cheryl Langdon-Orr
    Elected: Kim Heitman and Cheryl Langdon-Orr

    Tony Staley (The Chair) thanked Bennett Oprysa for his active participation and significant service on the board over the past 2 years.
  7. Close of Business
    The meeting was closed at 12.25pm