auDA EGM Minutes - 2013

Monday 22 April 2013, 10.30am
Maddocks. Level 7, 140 William Street, Melbourne 3000

Chair: Tony Staley
Secretary:    Jo Lim

Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Chris Disspain, Erhan Karabardak, George Pongas, Graham McDonald, Jo Lim, Joe Manariti, Josh Rowe, Julie Hammer, Kartic Srinivasan, Paul Levins, Stuart Benjamin, Tony Staley

Member/ Public Attendees:
Jacki O’Sullivan (Minutes), John Higgins (Nexia Australia), Neal Dunn (Nexia Australia), Keith Besgrove (DBCDE), Robert Gregory (Maddocks), Laura McAlister (Maddocks), Marty Drill, Simon Johnson, Ken Shu


  1. Introduction and Welcome by the Chair.
    The Chair advised Clause 16.2 of the auDA Constitution states that “in the case of a special resolution of Members, there is an affirmative vote in each and every class of Members of more than 75% of Members present and entitled to vote (in person or by authorised representative or proxy).”

    Motion (moved Tony Staley, seconded Cheryl Langdon-Orr):
    The Notice of AGM is to be taken as read

    Quorum (7 members) present. Meeting declared open.

    The Secretary advised that 17 proxies were received:
    5 Supply Class
    12 Demand Class

    The Chair explained the ballot process and the Board agreed as it was a paper ballot, both special resolutions would be read and voted in conjunction
  2. Special Resolutions
    The Chair asked attending members if there were any questions or discussion required on either of the Special Resolutions. There were no questions or discussion raised

    The ballot was conducted by the Secretary and supervised by Robert Gregory, Maddocks

    Resolution 1:
    Motion (moved Tony Staley, seconded Cheryl Langdon-Orr):
    Approve the proposed constitutional changes - Package 1 (Westlake Recommendations)

    Supply class total votes received - 8
    Supply class for - 2
    Supply class against - 6

    Demand class total votes received - 20
    Demand class for - 8
    Demand class against - 12

    The resolution was not passed by 75% in either class, therefore the resolution failed

    Resolution 2:
    Motion (moved Tony Staley, seconded Cheryl Langdon-Orr): Approve the proposed constitutional changes - Package 2 (Housekeeping)

    Supply class total votes received - 8
    Supply class for - 8
    Supply class against - 0

    Demand class total votes received - 20
    Demand class for - 19
    Demand class against - 1

    The resolution was passed by 75% in both classes, therefore the resolution was carried

  3. Other Business
    There was no other business
  4. Close of Business
    The meeting was closed at 10.50am