Board Minutes - 8 November 1999

Public Version
Meeting of the .au Domain Administration Board

8 November 1999 - 1.15pm Pty Ltd. Level 9, 114 Albert Road. South Melbourne VIC 3205

Chris Chaundy (CC), Kim Davies (KDa), Kevin Dinn (KDi), Mark Hughes (MH), David Keegel (DK), Michael Malone (MM), Iain Morrison (IM), Erica Roberts (ER), David Thompson (DT), Greg Watson (GW)

F. Holthuyzen - NOIE, B. Thomas - NOIE, N. Vajrabukka - NOIE.

Kim Heitman

1. Confirmation of Minutes of the Previous Meeting
MOTION: That the previous minutes be accepted. Moved: CC, Seconded: GW, Passed.

2. Actions Arising from the Minutes
3.1.1 (3.3.1/6): IM to supply details of voting with respect to selection of Phillips Fox to KH

3.1.2 (3.3.2/6): KD to publish KH findings on web site.

ACTION (3.1.1/8): KH to provide KDa with findings, KDa to publish to web.

3.1.3 (3.3.3/6): KH to send results to board of selection process.

ACTION (3.1.2/8): KH to send results to board of selection process.

3.2.1 (3.6.1/6): KD to publish version 1.1.3 of business plan from GW to web site.

ACTION (3.2.1/8): KDa to publish version 1.1.3 of business plan from GW to web site.

3.2.2 (3.6.2/6): SD to date the timeline and financial plan so context makes sense on published version.

ACTION (3.2.2/8): GW to date the timeline and financial plan so context makes sense on published version.

3.3.1 (3.10.2-1/6): ND to send LB\'s response to board mailing list. Uncompleted. It was decided not to proceed with further work on the matter as there was no longer any reason to pursue it.

3.3.2 (3.10.2-2/6): MM to send draft retraction letter to ND to review and send to LB as a suggested form of apology.

ACTION (3.3/8): MM to contact Eugene Foo of the ACCC to inform them that auDA do not intend to pursue the matter further at this time, unless ACCC objects.

3.4 (3.11.1/6): IM to create a new version of Policy Development Panel Procedures (PDPP) based on comments for a further 14 day period of comment. To be completed for release by Monday, 13th September 1999.

ACTION (3.4/8): IM, ER and DK to create a new version of the PDPP based on previously submitted comments.

3.5 (3.12/6): MM to create an informal exposure draft to stakeholders and DNS list in order to gauge general areas to include in the terms of reference for a policy development panel on Service Level Agreements. Any comments to be collated for the first board.

ACTION (3.5/8): MM to create an informal exposure draft to stakeholders and DNS list in order to gauge general areas to include in the terms of reference for a policy development panel on Service Level Agreements. Any comments to be collated for the first board.

3.6 (4/6): SD to insert into AGM agenda at 4, "Announce results of election" Completed.

3.7 (5/6): MH to proceed with membership matters as per motion [to instate 7 new members subject to meetings membership rules]. Completed.

3.8 (7/6): ND to change the execution clause of [2LD agreement] to only require an authorised person. Completed.

3.9.1 (8-1/6): MH to 1. Call for members to nominate to participate in policy advisory panel who have time to dedicate and have an active interest. 2. After a week, contact any important parties to see if they want to be involved. 3. Formulate a list of panel members and publish terms of reference.

ACTION (3.9/8): MH to 1. Call for members to nominate to participate in policy advisory panel who have time to dedicate and have an active interest. 2. After a week, contact any important parties to see if they want to be involved. 3. Formulate a list of panel members and publish terms of reference.

3.9.2 (8-2/6): MM and IM to cover the issue during their meetings with stakeholders tomorrow. Done.

3.9.3 (8-3/6): MH to rename "Stages" to "Outcomes" Done.

3.10 (8-4/6): MH to reply to ATUG to decline reciprocal membership on the basis that auDA does not have the resources to maintain an active membership and involvement with them at this time. Done.

3.11 (1/7): GW to send a rough draft of press release to board, incorporating Connect agreement and results of the AGM. Done.

ACTION (3.11/8): KDa to add PR to web site.

4. Appointment of Officers

Chairperson: ER nominated MM, GW seconded, MM accepted nomination. No other nominations. MM accepted unanimously.

Vice Chairperson: MM nominated GW, DT seconded, GW accepted nomination. No other nominations. GW accepted unanimously.

Secretary: MM nominated DK, IM seconded, DK accepted nomination. No other nominations. DK accepted unanimously.

Treasurer: KDa nominated MH, CC seconded, MH accepted nomination. No other nominations. MH accepted unanimously.

IM noted that there were no standing delegations to officers. It was also agreed KDa would compile the auDA web site, and that Connect would continue hosting the web site, and that iiNet would continue hosting auDA\'s mailing lists.

ACTION (4/8): auDA seek formal letter from Connect and iiNet detailing their sponsorship agreements.

5. Chief Executive Officer Search [MM]

A shortlist of 5 candidates has been made. MM recommended a subcommittee of three or four. It was agreed the subcommittee would be chaired by MM, with CC, GW and DT as representatives from each class.

6. Location of next meeting [6th December 1999]

Next meeting to be held at 1pm, Monday 6th December 1999 at Melbourne IT\'s offices, 207 Bouverie Street, Carlton. ER advised there may be some complications with regards to Melbourne IT moving offices, and would advise the mailing list if this was the case.

7. Other Business

7.1 Treasurers Report

The level of public disclosure of auDA\'s financial information was discussed. It was agreed to publish financials as follows:

a) Annual Report publish as per statutory requirements.

b) Full financial disclosure is made to the board monthly.

c) Quarterly reporting to members by way of comparison to business plans.

7.2 Membership Report

An application was received from HWW.

MOTION: That the membership be accepted. Moved MM, Seconded KDa, Passed.

7.3 Confidentiality

It was agreed that items discussed at board meetings or on the board mailing list are confidential to the board. The board concluded that the public minutes should contain the headings of discussion, and areas of agreement.

ACTION (7.3/8): KDa to send minutes for prior board meetings not yet published to the web for review by the board.

7.4 Redelegation

MM and GW, with NOIE, met with Robert Elz (KRE) in the morning before the meeting to discuss his opinion on auDA\'s progress. KRE made verbal statements to the effect that responsibility for would be transferred to auDA effective immediately.

ACTION (7.4.1/8): MM and GW to get formal documents detailing the transfer of to auDA from KRE. There was some discussion as the the exact nature of delegations of the various 2LDs. As there was no definitive answer, it was resolved that auDA seek confirmation from KRE on his understanding of the status quo with regard to 2LD delegations. ER noted there was currently no written audit trail for 2LD delegations.

ACTION (7.4.2/8): MM to write to KRE with auDA\'s understanding of the current 2LD delegates, policy control and operating licenses - seeking to clarify and confirm the status quo.

7.5 Directors and Officers Insurance There is no insurance at present. MM contacted companies, but they refused to insure a company existing less than 3 years.

MOTION: MM to contact Oakvale Capital to quote and subject to the cost being less than $1,000, engage them to advise on the best insurance options for auDA directors. Moved IM, Seconded CC, Passed.

7.6 Notification of Directors Interests

ACTION (7.6.1/8): Obtain existing Directors Interest details from Chris Connolly.

ACTION (7.6.2/8): Board members to advise board of any changes to their interests.

ACTION (7.6.3/8): KDa to create a webpage detailing director\'s interests.

ACTION (7.6.4/8): DK to make disclosure of interests a recurring agenda item. It was agreed that disclosure would refer to directorships, substantial shareholdings, and employers. DK queried whether was included, and it was agreed that it was relevant.

7.7 ICANN Meeting

ER reported on several points relating to auDA that occured at the recent ICANN meeting. ICANN has determined .au to not be Y2K compliant. However, their methodology is not known. ER suggested they may be concerned about whether has a Y2K compliant version of BIND, or the Y2k status of AUNIC, and that may be the cause of the ICANN finding. The board also raised concerns over AUNIC\'s Y2K preparedness. ER noted that AUNIC could not provide a Y2k compliance statement to Melbourne IT.

ACTION (7.7.1/8): NOIE to approach Telstra and Melbourne University to report on the Y2K status of AUNIC and munnari respectively.

ER also mentioned the following as relevant:

    ICANN is establishing a code of practice for ccTLDs.
    There will be a $50,000pa license fee for large ccTLDs.
    The next regional ICANN meeting is at Apricot 2000. She suggested auDA subscribed to ICANN mailing lists to keep in touch.

ACTION (7.7.2/8): auDA\'s CEO to send letter of introduction to ICANN.

7.8 Policy Advisory Panel on Name Allocation Policy

ER said that Melbourne IT wants policy "fixed" as a matter of urgency. It was discussed that a number of issues were entwined with policy revision, such as competition. It was agreed it was a complex problem that wasn\'t as simple as simply "opening" a few of the rules of, and it was rightly the role of the policy advisory panel to report on. KDi suggested that it would not be a desirable outcome if there were a flood of new domain registrations resulting from a opening of policy before the introduction of registrar competition.

ACTION (7.8.1/8): On list, board to discuss the final composition of the policy advisory panel, and terms of reference.

ACTION (7.8.2/8): Conduct an impartial chairperson search for the policy advisory panel. Discuss the names on list.

Meeting closed at 4:40pm.