Board Minutes - 10 January 2000

Public Version
Meeting of the .au Domain Administration Board

10 January 2000 - 01.00pm
au Domain Administration Limited. Level 7, 50 Queen Street. Melbourne VIC 3000

Michael Malone (Chair), Greg Watson (Deputy Chair), David Keegel (Secretary), Mark Hughes (Treasurer), Chris Chaundy, Kim Heitman, David Thompson, Kim Davies, Erica Roberts, Iain Morrison, Joseph O'Reilly (CEO)

Annabelle Herd (Minister Alston's Office), Brenton Thomas (NOIE), Nikki Vajrabukka (NOIE)

Kevin Dinn

Confirmation of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting held on Monday 6 December 1999 are a true and accurate reflection of that meeting. Carried

* Michael Malone moved, David Thompson seconded

- The summary of record of the previous meeting held on Monday 6 December 1999 be approved for distribution. Carried

* Michael Malone moved, David Thompson seconded that

- The minutes of the September 1999 meeting held prior to the Annual General Meeting be circulated to the board out of session and subsequently approved for distribution Vote Pending

ACTION ITEM: David Keegel to circulate the minutes of the September 1999 meeting with the above motion attached and conduct a vote out of session.


The Chair welcomed auDA's newly appointed Chief Executive Officer Joseph O'Reilly. The Chair also invited directors to introduce themselves.

The CEO responded with thanks and indicated his enthusiasm in undertaking his new responsibilities and how much he looked forward to working with directors in realising auDA's objectives.

Continuous Disclosure

No items of continuous disclosure were raised.


a) Chair's Report

The Chair indicated that there were two major areas of activity in which he was involved since the last meeting. These were finalising the appointment of auDA's CEO and work on the transition of AUNIC to auDA.

The Chair updated the board on auDA taking responsibility for responding to all inquiries to AUNIC. He thanked directors Mark Hughes and David Keegel for undertaking this work. He also indicated that he and Greg Watson had been involved in the formulation of software and the development of specifications for auDA to use when auDA assumes full responsibility for AUNIC.

The Chair also indicated that he, the Deputy Chair, Greg Watson and the CEO, Joseph O'Reilly met with representatives of the National Office of the Information Economy including the Office's CEO, Dr Paul Twomey. At the meeting the Chair provided NOIE with an update on auDA's progress.

Dr Twomey used the opportunity to outline some of NOIE's views. Chief among these was a desire for auDA to facilitate the introduction of competition in the allocation of domain names as a matter of priority. He indicated however that a centralised registry functioning as a monopoly was necessary to deliver consumer protection, resolve intellectual property disputes and secure a capacity for the indirect taxation of e-commerce.

The name space was also discussed at the meeting. Brenton Thomas spoke to this issue during the Chair's report. auDA's CEO will be participating in meetings of NOIE and DETYA regarding this matter.

b) Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer spoke to the financial report that he tabled. He indicated to directors that auDA would be able to meet expected liabilities in the next few months. David Thompson indicated that more work was required on an operational budget including work plan and income and expenditure projections for the remainder of the calendar year.

ACTION ITEM: David Thompson and CEO to prepare an Operational Budget with Work Plan and projections for income and expenditure for the 2000 Calendar year for consideration at the next board meeting.

c) Membership Report

A number of enquiries had been received but no new memberships were ready for Board consideration.

d) Publicity Officer's Report

The Publicity Officer spoke to his handling of inquiries regarding AUNIC. A variety of modifications to the AUNIC site and the inquiry handling process were also discussed. AUNIC A number of issues were canvassed regarding the continued functioning of AUNIC including its current operation, its delegation to auDA, how that transition would take place and the design and delivery of its new system.

ACTION ITEM: The CEO prepare a report on the transition of AUNIC to auDA.

The announcement by Melbourne IT, including correspondence from Dr Erica Roberts (Manager Corporate Relations - Melbourne IT) addressed to the Chair of auDA regarding its decision to decouple from AUNIC was also discussed.

A discussion on the implications of the decoupling followed.

As a result of the discussion the board concluded that Melbourne IT would be directed to continue operating within the current AUNIC based system.

* Mark Hughes moved, Kim Heitman seconded that

- The Chair write to Melbourne IT informing them that decoupling from AUNIC will not be allowed. Carried

Dr Roberts and Professor Morrison returned to the meeting.

Professor Morrison asked permission from the Chair to bring the Information Privacy & Protection item forward so that he could speak to that item prior to leaving.

Information Privacy & Protection

Professor Morrison spoke about the development of the Information Privacy & Protection paper that he had developed for auDA. It was agreed that the paper with any amendments or suggestions made by directors be put on the web site and that comments on the draft document be invited. Noted Professor Morrison left the meeting.

Interim Agreement with Melbourne IT

Dr Roberts provided an overview on Melbourne IT's negotiations with auDA.

Mr Watson asked Dr Roberts to leave the room.

Dr Roberts left the meeting.

A discussion on the progress of the negotiations followed. Mr Watson indicated that responsibility for continuing the negotiations should be transferred to the CEO.

* Greg Watson moved and Michael Malone seconded that

- Responsibility for negotiating a license/registry agreement with Melbourne IT be delegated to the CEO. Carried

Chief Executive Officer

The Chair reiterated his welcome to Joseph O'Reilly as CEO. The Chair indicated that there were a variety of things the newly appointed CEO needed to do including conduct meetings with a range of key stakeholders, progress and finalise as many license/registry agreements as possible and undertake core business and strategic planning activities.

The Chair asked the Treasurer to liase with the CEO about practical financial matters.

CEO to investigate office space. CEO to draft a media release on appointment of CEO.

Policy Development Panels

A brief report on the development of policy for the establishment and functioning of Policy Development Panels was provided by David Keegel.

It was agreed that the final report on the establishment and functioning of Policy Development Panels be presented at the next board meeting.

It was proposed that the deadline for comments on this matter be extended.

* Mark Hughes moved, Kim Davies seconded that

- The deadline for comments on the functioning of Policy Development Panels be extended by 14 days from the original closing date. Carried

It was agreed that two panels were needed as a matter of urgency including a Name Allocation Panel and an Introduction of Competition Panel.

The CEO was asked to provide a report to the next meeting of the Board recommending the Terms of Reference, Composition and Chair for two such panels.

Business Plan

The development of the Business Plan was addressed earlier in the meeting at item iv.b) in the action arising out of the Treasurer's Report. David Thompson and the CEO's development of an operational budget, projections and work plan will constitute auDA's business plan.

ICANN March 2000 Meeting in Cairo

The Chair stressed the import of auDA's participation in appropriate international forums including ICANN and indicated Dr Twommey's of NOIE was keen for auDA's CEO to be at the March meeting. Assistance in funding auDA's travel expenses to Cairo was raised with Dr Twommey and auDA will write to NOIE seeking assistance with travel expenses.

ACTION ITEM: The CEO will write to NOIE to request financial assistance to facilitate auDA's participation in the ICANN March meeting in Cairo, Egypt.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the auDA Board will be held on Monday 7 February at 1.00 pm in Melbourne.