Board Minutes - 11 November 2002

Public Version
Meeting of the .au Domain Administration Board

11 November 2002 - 1.00pm
Maddocks. Level 7, 140 William Street. Melbourne VIC 3000

Greg Crew, Kim Davies, Chris Disspain, Kim Heitman, David Keegel, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Jo Lim, Elspeth Ross, Josh Rowe, Peter Shilling, Tony Staley

Greg Watson

Derek Whitehead (Swinburne Uni)

Tom Dale (NOIE), Peter Dean, Michael Malone and Peter Nissen

1. Welcome New Directors

The board welcomed new directors Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Peter Shilling.

2. Vote of Thanks to Retiring Directors

The board registered its thanks to Chris Chaundy, Patrick Corliss and Liz Williams for their past contribution to auDA.

3. Continuous Disclosure

PS advised that he is managing director of TPP Internet, an auDA accredited registrar.
CL-O advised that she is a director of ISOC-AU. In accordance with board rules, CL-O resigned from the New Names Advisory Panel - but will attend the meeting on 12 November as an observer.

4. Election of Chair

TS (nominated GC, seconded KH) was elected Chair unopposed.

5. Election of Deputy Chair

KH (nominated KH, seconded DK) was elected Deputy Chair unopposed.

6. Election of Board Committees

Finance Committee: PD, KH, GC, JR, CD with John Higgins (Hayes Knight)
Technical Committee: DK, GW, CD with Bruce Tonkin (Melbourne IT), Simon Delzoppo and Chris Wright (AusRegistry). KD to be added as an observer and liaise with the committee.
Membership Committee: CL-O, PN, KH, DK, CD
auDA Foundation Committee: CD, JR, GW, CL-O with Craig Ng (Maddocks) and John Higgins.
auDA Vision Committee: CD, JR, KH, PS with JL and ER

7. Confirmation of Minutes

Due to late distribution, the minutes of the October 2002 meeting will be approved on the mail list.

8. New Names Advisory Panel

DW presented the Panel's final recommendations regarding new geographic 2LDs. The Panel received three submissions in response to the call for comments issued after the last board meeting; all submissions were in favour of the proposed new 2LDs.

Motion (proposed KH, seconded GC): That the board accept the following recommendations of the New Names Advisory Panel:
(a) auDA should create the eight new 2LDs (,,,,,,, and conduct a commercial tender process for the registry operations, in accordance with auDA's competition model.
(b) All geographic names should be registered as 3LDs (eg., not The Panel notes that there are some duplicated geographic names, but does not consider it desirable to introduce a system of 4LDs to deal with exceptions to the rule.
(c) Operational processes, including provision of registrar services and the development of policy rules, will need to be determined by the National Reference Group in conjunction with auDA. Some operational processes will need to be further developed and tested through progressive implementation of the 2LDs.
(d) The progressive implementation should commence with NSW (in line with the stated commitment of the NSW Government to undertake pilot testing), but other states should be permitted to participate at an early stage if they have the available resources.

The board emphasised that:

    Several policy and operations issues will need to be throught through in more detail (as we have discussed), therefore the implementation strategy should provide auDA with sufficient flexibility to modify aspects of the proposal if they turn out to be unworkable or impractical.
    Although the board recognises the significant work done by the OCOS working party, the basic concept does not belong solely to OCOS. Therefore, it should be referred to more generically as a "community-based geographic naming system", not the OCOS proposal.

Action: CEO to write to ICANN regarding the creation of 2 letter 2LDs,, and

9. CEO Report

The CEO reported on the following issues:

    approximately 70 outstanding generic name debts are being pursued
    the action against Internet Registry has been settled, they have agreed to send a corrective mail out to the 170,000 registrants who received the first mail out
    auDA will send an information brochure and letter to all existing registrants, and new registrants on an ongoing basis.

10. Policy Development

    Overarching policy framework for .au

In PN's absence, the board agreed to leave it to PN to follow up this issue.

11. Board correspondence

The board noted letters from several Catholic institutions in support of the proposal.

12. Other Business

    CENTR membership

KD circulated information about joining CENTR.

    Technical matters

KD suggested that the Technical Committee should consider auDA's response to issues raised by DNSSEC and IDNs.

13. 2003 Meeting Schedule

The next board meeting will be held on Monday 10 February 2002.

The board will meet on 14 April, 10 June, 11 August, 13 October. Board meetings will commence at 10am.