Board Minutes - 12 February 2007

Public Version
Meeting of the .au Domain Administration Board

12 February 2007 - 1.00pm
Maddocks. Level 7, 140 William Street. Melbourne VIC 3000

Greg Crew, Roger Dean, Chris Disspain, Marty Drill, Brett Fenton, Kim Heitman, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Jo Lim, Bennett Oprysa, Peter Shilling and Tony Staley

David Goldstein and Don Williams (DCITA)

Julie Hammer, John Higgins (Hayes Knight), Danielle Larkin (DCITA) and Killian O’Shaughnessy (DCITA)

Josh Rowe

1. Continuous Disclosure
There were no matters to be disclosed.

2. Confirmation of Minutes
The minutes of the November 2006 meeting were confirmed.

3. Finance Report
The board noted the January accounts.

CD advised that he intends to present a 3 year budget and a proposed auDA funding model at the next board meeting.

4. CEO Report
The following issues were noted:

• Awareness report
The board discussed the outcomes of the survey of 800 SME domain name holders to assess current levels of awareness of auDA. The main result from the survey is that 22% of the sample were aware of auDA, compared to the previous research conducted in December 2004, where only 0-1% of business owners had heard of auDA. The board considered this to be on par with similar organisations, such as the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman.

The report sets a benchmark for the awareness-raising KPI and will be incorporated into auDA’s strategic planning process.

Action: auDA to publish the awareness report on the website.
• Closed 2LDs
The board noted that AICTEC has released its draft policy changes for public consultation.

The board noted that auDA does not currently have a sub-sponsorship agreement in place with CSIRO for It was agreed that auDA should endeavour to bring into line with the other closed 2LDs. Don Williams offered DCITA’s assistance in making contact with appropriate people at CSIRO.

Action: CD and DW to discuss next steps regarding

• DCITA Review of .au

DW advised that submissions received by DCITA (published on the DCITA website) generally indicated overwhelming support for, and confidence in, the current .au administration. The main issues raised were in relation to policy matters to be considered by auDA’s 2007 Names Policy Panel.

DW clarified that some text in some submissions had been blacked out on the advice of DCITA’s lawyers, due to the potentially defamatory nature of the comments; the authors were given the opportunity to revise their submissions before publication.

DW advised that DCITA will provide briefing to Senator Coonan, and any further action will be a matter for her to determine.

The board noted that auDA staff had provided DCITA with a written response to some of the comments raised in submissions.

Action: auDA to publish the response to DCITA on the website.

5. Policy Development

• 2007 Names Policy Panel
auDA received 38 nominations for the Panel. The board:
o agreed to increase Panel membership from 20 to 22
o appointed DG and KH from demand class, and BO and BF from supply class
o selected Adrian Kinderis to replace Kimberley Lowton (due to BF’s appointment)
o approved the other recommended members.

The board also confirmed the Terms of Reference for the Panel.

6. auDA Strategic Plan

The board discussed the draft auDA 3-5 Year Strategic Plan. The following issues were raised:
• There are two contingency funds: a serious dispute contingency fund, for legal actions similar to the action against Domain Names Australia; and a security contingency fund, to be allocated on the recommendation of auDA’s Security and Stability Advisory Committee. It is possible that both funds can be supported from current surplus revenue.
• Staffing levels are an operational matter, however the Strategic Plan could include a statement that current staffing levels are thought to be sufficient.

Action: CD to revise the draft plan as discussed, include target dates and circulate the final version on the board list.

7. auDA Foundation Report

The Foundation board is currently reviewing the first round evaluation process and aiming to launch a second round in the second quarter of 2007.

8. auCD Report

The board noted the first progress report from auCD, showing that all milestones have been met except the number of issued domain name licences (7 licences issued instead of 10).

Motion (proposed KH, seconded MD): That the board accept the first progress report from auCD and authorise payment of the next grant instalment. Carried.

The board also approved amendments to the auCD Constitution to allow it to self-assess its tax exempt status as a not-for-profit entity.

9. Constitutional Review

The board noted that it is currently possible for directors and employees of supply class entities to become demand class members, and potentially demand class directors, of auDA.

Action: CD to ask Maddocks to prepare a report on possible constitutional amendments to address the above issue.

10. Domain Industry Association (DIA)

The board noted that the DIA made a submission to the DCITA review purportedly on behalf of 15 registrars, although at least three of those registrars have since disassociated themselves from comments made in the submission.

BO advised that the DIA is a NSW incorporated association set up by Vic Cinc of Enetica, and that the DIA submission to DCITA was written mostly by Vic Cinc. BF said that membership of the DIA is by invitation.

It was suggested that the DIA being a very new organisation, did not yet seem to have all operational procedures in place to effectively act as an industry peak body, but may do so in future.

11. Independent Directors

GC tendered his resignation as an independent director. The board acknowledged GC as a distinguished member of the industry, and thanked him for his profound wisdom during auDA’s important formative years.

Motion (proposed MD, seconded CLO): That the board accept GC’s resignation as an independent director of auDA. Carried.

TS introduced Retired Air Vice-Marshal Julie Hammer to the board and highlighted her impressive military career and extensive IT security experience. JH advised that she was looking forward to becoming more involved in DNS security issues through her role with auDA.

Motion (proposed CLO, seconded MD): That the board appoint JH as an independent director of auDA for a 12 month term. Carried.

12. Membership Applications

The members below were approved in the classes indicated:

Creative Stream Pty Ltd (demand)
PortalStreet Pty Ltd (demand)
Michael Purse (demand)
Peter Firminger (demand)
Gareth Ward (demand)
Snapsite Pty Ltd (supply)

13. Board Correspondence

There was no board correspondence.

14. Other Business

RD tendered his resignation as the remaining representative association class director of auDA, due to the fact that he will shortly be leaving his position as Vice-Chancellor of Canberra University. The board thanked RD for his service as a director of auDA.

15. Next Meeting

The next board meeting will be held on Monday 16 April at 10.30am in Melbourne.