Board Minutes - 12 June 2007

Public Version
Meeting of the .au Domain Administration Board

12 June 2007 - 1.00pm
Maddocks. Angel Place, 123 Pitt Street. Sydney NSW 2000

Chris Disspain, Marty Drill, Brett Fenton, David Goldstein, Julie Hammer, Kim Heitman, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Jo Lim, Bennett Oprysa, Elspeth Ross and Tony Staley

Josh Rowe

Evan Arthur (AICTEC), Craig Ng (Maddocks), Don Williams, Killian O’Shaughnessy (DCITA) and Derek Whitehead (Names Panel)

Peter Shilling

1. Continuous Disclosure
There were no matters to be disclosed.

2. Confirmation of Minutes
The minutes of the April 2007 meeting were confirmed.

3. Policy Development
• 2007 Names Policy Panel
Derek Whitehead gave a progress report. The Panel released an Issues Paper for public consultation on 18 May. There have been few responses to date, which may indicate that there is no real pressure for any significant change to the existing .au policy framework. The board noted that the consultation has been advertised via online means only, and it was suggested that there may be a need to try to raise awareness of the Panel’s work among a broader cross-section of the community, including large companies.

Evan Arthur presented AICTEC’s proposed changes to policy and operations. In summary, the changes are:
- introduce a system of Domain Managers (similar to resellers), to be appointed by the registrar
- migrate data in "pseudo" registries to AusRegistry (eg.
- introduce new "childzones" to operate alongside the existing state/territory 3LDs (eg.
- encourage registrants to move to a 4LD naming structure, but at the same time grandfather existing 5LDs and 6LDs (eg. within

EA advised that the changes take into account the complex system of legacy registrations inherited by AICTEC in 2002, and the needs of major stakeholders within the education sector.

The board noted that the proposed changes are technically feasible, and the costs will be borne by the education sector. If agreed, the policy changes would be implemented immediately, however the operational changes would take place over time subject to the business case requirements of individual users.

The board raised some concerns about DNS stability and integrity associated with the proposed new child zones and grandfathering 5LDs/6LDs, however it was agreed that on balance the current situation in probably poses a greater risk to integrity and stability. The board also noted the particular challenges associated with reaching consensus among the various stakeholders.

Motion (proposed CLO, seconded KH): That, notwithstanding concerns about DNS stability and integrity, the board (1) approve the recommendations in the AICTEC paper, and
(2) authorise auDA staff to enter into a new 3 year Sub-Sponsorship Agreement between auDA and AICTEC. Carried.

• Domain tasting
The board noted recent domain tasting activity in .au and discussed various options for addressing it if it becomes a problem. It was agreed that auDA staff should continue to monitor the situation.

4. Finance Report

The board noted the May accounts.

5. CEO Report

The following issues were noted:

• Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC)
The board noted the establishment of the SSAC, comprising individuals with a wide range of technical and security expertise. In most cases SSAC activities will directed by the board, however the SSAC will be able to act on its own initiative where appropriate and subject to board approval. It is expected that the first task of the SSAC will be a general threat assessment of .au.

It was agreed that SSAC reports should be a standing item on the board agenda.

• Cyberstorm II
CD advised that auDA is a participant in Cyberstorm II, scheduled for March 2008.

6. auDA Foundation Report

The new Foundation website has been launched, and the next funding round will open on 20 June.

8. auCD Report

The board requested quarterly summary accounts to be provided by auCD for informational purposes, noting that the auCD board is responsible for overseeing the financial management of auCD.

9. Registrars conference

CD advised that auDA is awaiting input from registrars on possible conference agenda items. It was suggested that more regular discussions between auDA and the Domain Industry Association (DIA) would help to improve communications and keep stakeholders informed of auDA activities. To this end, elected directors were encouraged to report back to, and engage with, their respective constituencies.

10. Membership Applications

The members below were approved in the classes indicated:

Jackson Haynes (demand)
Abbas Heidari (demand)
Andrew McCullough (supply)

11. Board correspondence

The board discussed correspondence from DCITA.

12. Other Business

CD advised that Hayes Knight is currently working out how elected directors’ sitting fees should be calculated and paid.

13. Next Meeting

The next board meeting will be held on Monday 13 August in Sydney, after the EGM. The meeting will be open to the public.

The board agreed to change the meeting schedule to the third week of every second month, to allow sufficient time for the Finance Committee to consider the accounts. The next meeting after August will be held on Monday 15 October.