Board Minutes - 15 June 2009

Public Version
Meeting of the .au Domain Administration Board

15 June 2009 - 11.00am
Maddocks. Level 7, 140 William Street. Melbourne VIC 3000

Tony Staley (Chair), Chris Disspain, Julie Hammer, Kim Heitman, Graham McDonald, Tony Steven, Dwayne Varey and Alex Woerndle

Amin Kroll, Josh Rowe and Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Craig Ng (Maddocks), John Higgins (Hayes Knight), Jo Lim (auDA), Jacki O’Sullivan (auDA-Minutes) and Tristan Kathage (DBCDE)

Marty Drill

1.  Apologies
Marty Drill was an apology.

2.  Continuous Disclosure
There were no matters to be disclosed.


3.  Confirmation of Minutes

The minutes of the 20 April 2009 board meeting were confirmed.


4.  Finance Report

The board noted the May accounts.


5.  CEO Report

Craig Ng gave a summary on current legal matters (Privileged item).


6.  Policy Development

The Chief Policy Officer advised:

· Registrar accreditation: Accreditation applications for new registrars will open again the week of 15 June 2009. Whilst interest levels are expected to be fairly high, it may not necessarily result in large numbers of applications given the additional requirements for overseas-based applicants.

· New 2LDs: auDA has not considered proposals for new 2LDs since 2003. With the release of new gTLDs, it is considered timely to open up for new 2LD proposals again. The process will also include consideration of inactive legacy 2LDs and The board agreed that auDA should issue a call for proposals in the 2nd half of 2009.


7.  Board & Membership Structure  

Chris Disspain advised the Board & Membership Structure Sub-Committee is currently reviewing the models of other ccTLD organisations with a view to presenting a report & proposals at the August board meeting.


8.  auCD Report

The board noted the auCD report.


9.  Membership Applications

The membership applications below were approved in the classes indicated:

· Anestis Kozakis (Demand)

· Ravindra Sri Panditharathne (Demand)

· Phil Kapinski (Demand)

· Mike Kapinski (Demand)

· Gary Kapinski (Demand)

· ispONE (Supply)


10.  Board Correspondence

There was no board correspondence.


11.  ICANN Sydney

Chris Disspain reviewed the ICANN Sydney schedule and suggested meetings board members should attend.  Meetings and function details will be confirmed via email including ccNSO & ALAC agenda & information.


12.  Other Business

It was suggested the 2009 AGM be held in Perth & the December board meeting be held on 14 December in Melbourne followed by the board Xmas function.  Jacki to look into venues and confirm details in due course.


13.  Next Meeting
The next board meeting will be held on Monday 17 August 2009 at the Maddocks office in Melbourne.