auDA au Domain Administration
Australian Internet Governance Forum

From the CMWG: Membership Model Webinar - Save the Date
23 August 2018

Dear auDA members, 

We are writing to you on behalf of auDA’s Consultation Model Working Group (CMWG) to let you know about an upcoming chance to have your say in the future of auDA. The CMWG is comprised of auDA members and stakeholders from the Australian internet community who were convened in May to define and oversee the process of consultation with the auDA membership and wider Australian community.

As you are no doubt aware, in March the Department of Communications and Arts handed down a review of auDA, which included 29 recommendations and a new set of Terms of Endorsement to be implemented within 24 months.

The review found auDA’s current membership model does not fully reflect Australia’s internet community and was contributing to ongoing organisational instability.

auDA welcomed the Federal Government’s review and has spent the past months, in consultation with the CMWG and with legal advice from Ashurst, developing a new membership and governance model that will not only meet government’s demands but also satisfy the expectations of existing members.

A new refreshed membership model and the required changes to the constitution will be put to members at the upcoming General Meeting on September 27th.

We are now at a point, where we’d like to present a draft model that we believe improves stakeholder engagement and delivers organisational stability. Consultation on what this model should look like is not over - we’re keen to hear what members think and how we can build on this draft.

We will soon make this draft model available for consideration, and we’d invite you to join an online forum where CEO Cameron Boardman, Chairman Chris Leptos, barrister Tony Lang and law firm Ashurst, will be available to answer your questions about the model and hear your ideas on what you want from auDA.

SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, 29 August 2018 4pm to 7pm AEST

Register for the webinar here

Given the realities of the review’s timeframe we are operating on a very tight deadline. We apologise for the short notice of the meeting. We encourage you to participate so that you can understand why auDA is changing, how it might impact you and to help shape the future direction of auDA.

We also take this opportunity to let you know that we have a dedicated forum for consultation with the CMWG -

We look forward to hearing from you.

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