Australians supported by auDA Foundation Grants

Posted by Jenelle Backman on 7 December 2010

The auDA Foundation is a charitable organisation that provides funds for innovative projects which utilise internet technology to promote and encourage education and research for the benefit of the Australian community.

The Foundation was established in 2005 and makes annual grants to organisations whose projects utilise the power of the internet to deliver tangible benefits to their community which can be in regional and rural areas.  It also provides grants for academic research into internet related technologies.

The Foundation is committed to supporting distinctive Internet projects such as:

Online Education and Mentoring

Sydney Community College – Skilled Migrant Mentoring Program

To create an online environment for skilled migrants and skilled refugees who have recognised professional or trade qualifications from their country of origin, to gain experience and the offer of employment after arrival in Australia. The website will provide access to information and resources as well as opportunities for networking, mentoring and the general sharing of information.

Playgroup AustraliaWeb 2.0 Generation Y Project

This national initiative is to address some of the needs of young Generation Y families with young children by providing targeted online educational tools and social networking capabilities.

Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education - The Family Literacy Website Project

This project is to establish an information portal for indigenous families to access important information, resources and strategies to support the literacy learning and language development of their children and to help them to learn to read and write.

Research and Development

Association for the Blind of WA

Development of a customised web browser interface for the vision impaired.

Wesley Mission Brisbane MailpaQ - On-Line Quoting System

Wesley Mission runs a bulk mailing and packaging facility which provides meaningful employment for 60 people with disabilities. This project is for the development of an on-line quoting system which is currently done manually. The online system will increase competitiveness with the aim of increasing sales and its capacity to employ more people with disabilities.

Technical Academic Research

Swinburne University of Technology

Development of an open-source front-end for SMTP servers, implementing a novel TCP-layer algorithm to reduce the impact of in-bound email spam.

If you think you have a project worthy of funding, then please do not hesitate to put in a submission.  We understanding the time and effort that goes into making a grant application but the benefits are tangible for your organisation and its community.

We are also proud to announce that the next funding round is the 5th round for the auDA Foundation and we intend to celebrate and promote past recipients at a Gala Presentation Dinner that will be held late in 2011.  Further information will be released soon so please subscribe to the announcement list located here to receive our notifications about the new initiatives from the auDA Foundation.