From the CMWG: Member Consultation Report and Save the Date

Posted by CMWG on 13 July 2018

Thank you to all the members who participated in the members’ forum held in Melbourne — and online — on Monday, 2 July 2018.

Please find attached a ‘Conversation Tracker’ document produced by strategic consultancy, ThinkSpace, as a summary of the forum’s activity. 

A discussion thread for this document has been constructed for feedback.

The Working Group would like to be in a position to release the video and audio recording of the forum, however our legal advice is that consent to do so may not have been rigorously obtained from all participants. Consequently we would be appreciative if any individual who attended the forum and has any objection to releasing the video and audio recording please contact the secretariat by Thursday 19 July, 2018.

The discussion at the forum was extremely constructive and, as a result, the Consultation Model Working Group has been able to recommend to auDA’s board that a single member class membership model, consistent with ‘Model C’ in the document, should form the basis of a new membership model.

We are informed that auDA’s board will consider the CMWG’s recommendation, as well as the broader Conversation Tracker document, at its next meeting on 16 July 2018.

We will, as always, keep you informed as the process progresses. In the meantime, we strongly encourage you to contribute your feedback.


SAVE THE DATE: Monday, 6 August 2018

Due to the success of the first members’ forum the CMWG intends to hold another, with the date tentatively set for Monday, 6 August 2018. The purpose of this forum will be advancing discussion further among auDA members and, potentially, other stakeholders. Watch this space for details!

Very best,

Kevin Clark
Ben Carroll
Ian Halson
Peter Tonoli
Dr. Madeleine Roberts
Steve de Mamiel
P R Khangure
Sean Fogarty
Debbie Monahan
Chris Joseph
Desiree Lyall
Sally Rodgers
Nikki Scholes
Anne Hurley
Marty Drill
Keith Besgrove