Reconstitution of the auDA Board

Posted by auDA on 19 July 2019

Dear Associate Members and Stakeholders,

I am writing to update you on the progress and process for the reconstitution of the auDA Board.

The .au Domain Administration Ltd. Nomination Committee was established earlier this year and in accordance with its charter is now moving to select candidates for a reconstituted auDA Board.

This Board will consist of six independent directors, one of whom will be the independent Chair, plus four elected directors.

The independent Directors will be recommended by the Committee for appointment to the Board. An additional four Board members will be elected by auDA Associate Members from a slate of candidates approved by the Committee.

An advertisement has been placed in the Australian Financial Review today calling for expressions of interest for the positions of Independent Chair and five independent directors. Kathleen Townsend Executive Solutions has been engaged to assist the search process.

Candidates will be assessed by the Nomination Committee with a view to the selected candidates being appointed to the Board in October/November this year.

Separately, the Nomination Committee will be seeking candidates for the four elected members of the auDA Board. These positions will be advertised shortly with the intention of holding an election later this year.

auDA strongly encourages all interested parties to consider applying for these positions to help ensure the .au ccTLD remains one of the most secure and stable in the world.

We look forward to keeping you informed throughout this process.

Yours sincerely,

Suzanne Ewart
Chair, .au Domain Administration Ltd.