AGM Minutes - 1999

Thursday 7th October 1999, 5:30pm
Deloitte Consulting. Level 6, 213 Miller Street. North Sydney 2060

Chair of Meeting: Michael Malone
Chair of auDA: Michael Malone
Returning Officer:      Andrew Dawson
Treasurer: Mark Hughes
Legals: Patrick Fair

  1. Introduction and Welcome by the Chair of Meeting
  2. Report on auDA Activities (Chair of auDA)
    Michael Malone reported on auDA's current activities. Key points were the search for a Chief Executive Officer, negotiation of interim contracts with .au '2LD's, and the commencement of negotiations for redelegation of '.au'
  3. Report on auDA Finances (Treasurer of auDA)
    Mark Hughes submitted audited accounts, to the effect that auDA was solvent with 174 members at the end of FY1999

    Motion (moved Mark Hughes, seconded Greg Watson):
    That the audited accounts be accepted

  4. Special Resolution

    Motion (moved Michael Malone, seconded Kim Davies):
    A special resolution was proposed to alter the constitution to ensure .au Domain Administration conforms with the requirements of section 150 of the Corporations Law

  5. Election of new Directors to the Board (s.19.1) under the auDA constitution (s.16):
    Supply Class (3 positions)
    Nominees: Chris Chaundy, David Keegel, Michael Malone, Erica Roberts
    Elected: Chris Chaundy, David Keegel, Michael Malone

    Demand Class (3 positions)
    Nominees: Kim Davies, Mark Hughes, John Southgate, David Thompson
    Elected: Kim Davies, Mark Hughes, David Thompson

    Representative Organisations Class (3 positions)
    Nominees: Kevin Dinn, Kim Heitman, Iain Morrison, Greg Watson
    Elected: Kevin Dinn, Iain Morrison, Greg Watson

    General Membership Class (2 positions)
    Nominees: David Keegel, Michael Malone, Erica Roberts, Kim Davies, Mark Hughes, John Southgate, David Thompson, Kevin Dinn, Kim Heitman, Iain Morrison, Greg Watson
    Elected: Erica Roberts, Kim Heitman 6. Other Business No other business

  6. Resignation of Interim Board of auDA

    Motion (moved by Michael Malone, seconded by Greg Watson):
    The interim board be dissolved, with the thanks of the members

  7. Close of Business
    The meeting closed at 7:00pm