Board Minutes - 7 August 2000

Public Version
Meeting of the .au Domain Administration Board

7 August 2000 - 1.00pm
Melbourne IT. Level 2, 120 King Street. Melbourne VIC 3000

Kevin Dinn, David Thompson (Acting Chair), Kim Davies, Mark Hughes, Erica Roberts, Chris Chaundy

Kim Heitman

Jo Lim (NOIE) and Michelle Scott (NOIE)

Michael Malone and Greg Watson

1. Minutes of Previous Meeting

Response has been received from one director re the previous meeting's minutes.

The result of that has been a change to the heading of Item 9 which now reads "Transfer of .au Authority"

Motion to accept the minutes: Moved KD, Seconded CC; passed.

2. Name Policy Panel

Derek Whitehead reported on the Domain Name Policy Advisory Panel.

    Second meeting was held with good attendance.
    Panel considered the stage 1 report, and made changes.
    The panel decided not to provide commentary on existing policies as part of the Stage 1 report.
    Panel has set up working groups to look at several areas of policy.

DW to draft press release highlighting the completion of the stage 1 report and the formation of the working groups.

4. CEO Search Update

Advertising of Permanent Position - CEO search subcommittee was working with iiNet HR to move forward with this and place the ad for a permanent CEO.

5. Competition Panel

List of nominations for the Competition Panel had been sent to the board previously, as had the proposed short list. A late nomination from ACCI had been received. Outcome of general discussion was a decision to delete one nominee from categories 2&3, and include the ACCI nominee. Co-chair and Jo Lim would recommend two names to be removed from the shortlist.IM volunteered to follow up with ATUG re their providing a 'consumer oriented' representative for the panel.

6. Transfer of .au Authority

Discussion about what was required to get government endorsement of the transfer of .au authority.DT, MH, KH & IM to work on auDA's response to government.

7. Corporate Governance

1. Continuing Disclosure

MH employed by a company that is majority owned by a Registrar -

2. Independent Directors

The chair has written to potential directors. Awaiting response.

8. Operational Plan and Strategy

Motion that auDA spend up to $42k over the next three months to develop and implement required finance and administration systems. Moved ER, seconded DT. Carried.

9. Treasurer's Report

DT reported, and subsequently sent the report to the board list.

10. Customer Service

We received / responded to 377 email enquiries in July.

11. Publicity

1. Interviews

Several media interviews by Acting CEO including:

    The Australian
    The Standard
    Australian Net Guide

2. Press Releases

July 6th Domain Name Review Panel holds first Meeting
July 31st Domain Name Review Panel holds second Meeting

3. auDA Web Site

The increasing use of the auDA web site appears to reflect auDA's increasing status as the entity responsible for .au issues, and provision of information about .au.


    FAQ at HYPERLINK "" has been revised several times during the month to include new issues and correct/provide more information on other issues.
    Domain Name Policy Advisory Panel information updated on web site

12. AUNIC Hosting Tender Report

DT will report on progress. B&McK is doing the evaluation. They will write to the tenderers on various issues requesting clarification/confirmations. The Subcommittee will review responses, get independent evaluation, and make a recommendation to the board.

13. Transfer of AUNIC IP Address Range to APNIC

DK has had general discussions with APNIC. Correspondence was received from Paul Wilson, Director General, APNIC (Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre) and tabled.Motion that auDA will co-operate with APNIC in transitioning the historic AUNIC address range to APNIC. Moved DK, seconded CC. Carried.


Discussions with OGO reported, and are continuing.


Report from July Meeting - as per Kim Heitman's separate report emailed to board members.

March Melbourne Meeting bid - auDA has agreed to sponsor the ccTLD sessions at the March meeting in Melbourne. The cost will be approximately $2,000.

16. Director's & Officers' Insurance

To be actioned by the new temporary financial officer.

17. Internet Name Protection

General discussion about practices of businesses in the domain name area, and how this was affected by:

    Public availability of data from AUNIC / Registrars
    Codes of practice of AUNIC / Registrars

ER tabled a letter from MIT to auDA noting that auDA and Registrars should work together on this issue.

18. Next meeting / Meeting closed

Next meeting: 4 September at