Board Minutes - 6 December 2000

Public Version
Meeting of the .au Domain Administration Board

6 December 2000 - 1.00pm
Austnetinfo, Level 1, 132-136 Albert Road. South Melbourne VIC 3205

Chris Chaundy, Patrick Corliss, Greg Crew, Chris Disspain, Kim Heitman, David Keegel, Erica Roberts, Tony Staley, David Thompson, Greg Watson, Liz Williams

Michael Malone

Craig Hand, Jo Lim (NOIE), Michelle Scott (NOIE)

Kim Davies and Iain Morrison

1. Continuous Disclosure
PC advised that he is the owner/operator of Quad Quality Addressing Pty Ltd and the holder of several domain names. LW advised that she runs her own consultancy business and is the chair of the IIA's E-Commerce Taskforce. Both PC and LW resigned from the Competition Panel upon election to the Board. GC advised that he is no longer a director of ICANN.

2. Appointment of new Chair
CC nominated GW and TS as co-chairs. GW and TS were elected unopposed. At this point, TS took over chair of the meeting.

3. Appointment of new Deputy Chair
DK nominated GC, who declined and nominated DT. DT was elected unopposed.

4. Appointment of new Secretary
PC nominated DK to hold the position until January 2001, when it was proposed that JL take over. DK/JL were elected unopposed.

5. Appointment of new Treasurer
The Board agreed that, as auDA now has a permanent CFO and Finance & Audit sub-committee, the position of Treasurer is no longer required.

6. Observers at Board Meetings

Barrister Len Lindon, who has filed a complaint against auDA with the ACCC for breaches of the Trade Practices Act, asked to attend the Board meeting as an observer. The Board agreed that normal Board meetings are not open to the public. The CEO was asked to invite Mr Lindon to put his views in writing for the Board's consideration in due course.

7. Actions from Previous Minutes

No outstanding action items were reported.

8. CEO's Report and Matters Arising

Motion (GC proposed, CC seconded): That the following applications for supply class membership be accepted:

Eclipse Telecommunications P/L
Domain Intellect P/L
Net.Neighbourhood P/L


Action: CD to make arrangements for a one day strategic planning session at the auDA offices during the first week of February 2001, to be attended by all interested Board directors.

9. Report by telephone from Chairs of Competition Panel (GM and DL)

GM and DL presented the Panel's Stage 1 and 2 reports, deliverables required by the Terms of Reference. GM explained that the reports simply describe the current situation in Australia and overseas, and as such are non-contentious. Comments on the reports by Board directors will be taken into account by GM/DL/JL before public release.

DL advised that the Panel also intends to release a "Stage 2a" paper that outlines the competition objectives and issues identified by the Panel to date. A sub-group of the Panel will hold a 1-2 day workshop in mid-January 2001 to develop a draft competition model, to be considered by the full Panel at the end of January and released for public consultation in February. The Board reaffirmed the importance of extensive, meaningful public consultation, and agreed that the process should not be rushed.

Motion (proposed TS, seconded GC): That the Board accept the Panel's Stage 1 and 2 reports, subject to amendments as discussed at the meeting. Board members have until 8 December to make further comments to GM/DL/JL. The reports will be publicly released by 15 December. Carried.

10. Report from Chair of Name Panel

Derek Whitehead reported that the Panel's first public consultation report was released in November, and the Panel will consider the outcomes at its next meeting on 12 December. The Board reaffirmed its decision that there is no need for a separate Panel to consider dispute resolution; the Name and Competition Panels will provide joint (or identical) recommendations regarding dispute resolution.

11. Directors' dealings with the Media

Motion (proposed GC, seconded LW): That all contact with the media with regard to matters relevant to auDA be through the CEO and/or the co-chairs. Carried.

12. CFO's Report

The CFO tabled his report. DT advised that the month end accounting reports were approved by the Finance & Audit sub-committee. The Board was advised that the CEO and CFO are in the process of developing the policies referred to in the Delegations of Authority document.

13. Technical Committee

The Board was advised that a Technical sub-committee of GW, DK, CC and CD will be established to deal with all technical matters relevant to auDA.

14. Other Business

The Board agreed that the IIA be invited to nominate a replacement for Liz Williams on the Competition Panel, however, finding a replacement for Patrick Corliss should be left to the discretion of the Panel co-chairs. Similarly, the appointment of new members to the Name Panel should be left to the discretion of the chair.

Action: CD to advise the Panel chairs of the Board's decision.

The Board agreed that CD and GW should decide the rate of remuneration for the independent directors, within the quantum approved at the AGM.

Action: CD and GW to decide the rate of remuneration for independent directors.

Action: CH to make available a copy of the form used for reimbursement of directors' expenses.

GC advised arrangements for the ICANN meetings in Melbourne, 10-13 March 2001. The Board agreed to establish an 'auDA at ICANN' sub-committee of GC, LW, CD and JL to coordinate auDA's involvement at the ICANN meetings, including auDA's policy position in relation to ccTLD issues.

Action: GC to send ICANN news to the Board list.

15. Next Meeting

The Board agreed to meet on the second Monday of every second month, from 12-5pm. Meetings will be held at the auDA offices, Level 7, 50 Queen Street, Melbourne.

Schedule of meetings for 2001:
12 February; 9 April; 11 June; 13 August; 8 October; 10 December