Board Minutes - 16 June 2014

Meeting of the .au Domain Administration Board

16 June 2014 – 11.00am
auDA, 114 Cardigan Street, Carlton

Tony Staley (Chair), Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Chris Disspain, Erhan Karabardak, George Pongas, Graham McDonald, Joe Manariti, Josh Rowe, Julie Hammer, Kartic Srinivasan, Paul Levins, Stuart Benjamin

John Higgins (Nexia Australia, items 1-4), Keith Besgrove (DoC, items 1-6), Jo Lim (auDA), Jacki O’Sullivan (auDA–Minutes)


1. Continuous Disclosure

• Erhan Karabardak advised he represents Uniregistry who are currently in the process of applying for auDA Registrar accreditation.

2. Confirmation of April 2014 Minutes

The minutes of the 14 April 2014 Board meeting were confirmed.

3. Finance

• The Board noted the May 2014 accounts.

4. Budget 2014-15

• The Board considered the 2014-2015 budget which was endorsed by the Finance Committee.
• Motion (proposed G McDonald, seconded J Hammer): That the Board approve the 2014-2015 budget.

5. CEO Report

• The CEO report was noted.
• The Board was advised ANZIA applications had closed on 13 June 2014 with 42 applications received.

6. Operations Plan 2014-15

• Jo Lim gave a summary and outline of the 2014-15 High Level Operations plan.
• It was suggested that high-level international collaboration with Government departments should be reflected in the Operations plan and the Board agreed this would be added under Strategic Priority 3.

7. AusRegistry presentation

• Adrian Kinderis-CEO and Maggie Whitnall-Client Services Manager .au, attended from AusRegistry and gave a presentation which included an updates on the re-stated Registry Licence Agreement (2014-18), marketing activities including AusRegistry’s May $1 campaign results and the 2014 .au Benchmark Survey key findings.

8. Board Committee Updates

Finance & Audit Committee:
• The Chair advised the Committee had met on 11 June 2014 and minutes would be circulated in due course for comment.
• The Board was advised Neal Dunne (Nexia) had met with the Finance Committee and provided a status update on auDA's investment portfolio.
• The Board was advised that the US$ account had now decreased to a balance of appx $300k due to the payment of ICANN fees. The Board agreed to the Committee's recommendation to purchase of a further US$500k.

Governance, Board Succession & Remuneration Committee:
• The Chair advised the Committee had met on 11 May and 13 June 2014 and minutes would be circulated for comment in due course.

Strategic Risk Committee:
• The Chair advised the Committee had last met on 14 April 2014 and minutes had been circulated and approved for publication. The Committee is next scheduled to meet on 25 August 2014.
• The Committee advised the staff trial of Own Cloud would be implemented once all staff had been moved onto new computers, which is currently in progress.

9. 2013 Board Performance Assessment

• The 2013 Board Performance Assessment results and recommendations were circulated and included the 2012 and 2013 results for comparison. Overall the scores were solid with no major problems identified.
• The Board agreed to implement the recommendations as proposed by the Strategic Risk Committee.

10. Membership

The following membership applications were approved in the classes indicated.

Name of Applicant Class
Mailguard Pty Ltd (Craig McDonald) Supply
Fast Hit Pty Ltd (Chris Bauer) Supply
Claire Caine Demand
Christopher Caine Demand
Sam Bennett Demand
Imogen Corliss Demand
Max Webb Demand
Kevin O’Brien Demand
Graham Gooley Demand

11. Board Correspondence

There was no Board correspondence.

12. Other Business

• Membership: There was discussion regarding the membership application and renewal processes including the difference between the entry and annual fee and the requirement to send a notice of default for non-payment. The Board noted that the online application form was previously discontinued after complaints from members regarding invalid applications. The Board agreed the CEO would review.
• The Board noted this was the last Board meeting attendance by Keith Besgrove, DoC, and thanked Keith for his input and attendance at auDA Board meetings.

13. Next Meeting

The next Board meeting will be held on Monday 25 August 2014 at 2.00pm at Crown Promenade in Melbourne.